December 23, 2024
September 09, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Gilbert LLP partner Jenna Hudson took part in today’s Perrin Opioid Litigation Conference, joining attorneys from across the country to discuss a range of legal topics related to the opioid crisis.
Hudson discussed how the insuring agreement (the first step to coverage) in a typical insurance policy applies to opioid claims. Hudson noted that case law is trending in policyholders’ favor, and insurer-favorable rulings largely can be cabined to their policy language and circumstances. She affirmatively presented the case law and responded to counterarguments made by attorneys on the insurer side of the bar.
Hudson has been active in opioids litigation and analysis at Gilbert for several years. She represents multiple states’ attorneys general and multiple sovereign Indian tribes that assert that the prescription opioid industry caused and fueled the opioid crisis. She also is applying her insurance experience to determine the extent to which insurance may be available to fund solutions to the opioid crisis, including by analyzing available insurance policies on behalf of and serving as counsel to claimants in the Purdue and Mallinckrodt bankruptcy proceedings.
Gilbert LLP is a Washington-based law firm specializing in litigation and strategic risk management, insurance recovery and complex dispute resolution.