December 23, 2024
July 09, 2020
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Gilbert LLP, a Washington, D.C. law firm specializing in complex dispute resolution, announced today that it is partnering with the ACLU of Louisiana and a host of other private firms and law school clinics to bring litigation prowess to bear against racially discriminatory policing practices.
“At this time, everyone—particularly those in the private bar—must greatly expand their efforts to address systemic racism at every level,” said Richard Leveridge, the Gilbert partner leading the firm’s role. “Gilbert has since its founding been committed to social and racial justice, and we are thrilled to join this initiative as a natural extension of that commitment.”
The initiative, called “Justice Lab: Putting Racist Policing on Trial,” aims to bring a wave of lawsuits challenging racially motivated stops, seizures, searches, false arrests, and uses of force in Louisiana.
More about the Justice Lab can be found here:
Gilbert LLP is a Washington-based law firm specializing in litigation and strategic risk management, insurance recovery and complex dispute resolution.